OYD Issues Statement Condemning HB 68

Lucy Frank, President:

“Young Ohioans deserve better than politicians who seek to ostracize and marginalize our most vulnerable for their own political ambition.”

Today, the Ohio Young Democrats released a statement condemning the Ohio legislature’s override of Governor Dewine’s veto of HB 68, the most restrictive anti-Transgender bill in the country. OYD, and the thousands of young people which they represent, stand firmly with the Transgender community and vow to fight back against HB 68 and other malicious legislation put forth by the Ohio Legislature’s GOP supermajority. Read the full statement here.

Join OYD for our GOTV Backyard Party Fundraiser on Saturday, September 30, 2023!

The Ohio Young Democrats are gearing up for the November 2023 election to support local Democratic candidates and more! Help us build our capacity and programming with your generous support.

OYD will host a GOTV Backyard Party to celebrate wins and prepare for the fight of our lives. Come connect, scheme, and enjoy good food with us. Special thank you to Spencer Dirrig, YDA Vice President for the Midwest, for hosting at his home. Tickets start at $10.00.

Saturday, September 30th

2-4 pm

976 Kenwood Lane

Columbus, OH 43220

Buy your tickets HERE!


Pursuant to the Constitution and Bylaws of the Ohio Young Democrats, this posting shall constitute a written notice to members that proposed Amendments have been received by this organization, and thus shall be considered at the Annual State Convention on Saturday, May 6th.

Establishing the Ohio Young Democrats Charter & Bylaws and Standing Rules

WHEREAS The Ohio Young Democrats Constitution and Bylaws currently exist as two separated documents that can, at times, be difficult to understand; AND

WHEREAS There are portions of the Constitution and Bylaws that can be considered to be in conflict of one another; AND

WHEREAS The governing documents of this organization should be clear, concise, and should actively prioritize and outline the rights of our members; AND

WHEREAS The Young Democrats of America have recently restructured their governing documents, and these changes would bring the Ohio Young Democrats into compliance with those documents; THEREFOR

BE IT RESOLVED that the Ohio Young Democrats do hereby strike and replace the existing Constitution and Bylaws with the proposed Ohio Young Democrats Charter & Bylaws; AND

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Ohio Young Democrats do, through the adoption of this Charter & Bylaws, additionally approve and adopt the Standing Rules of the Ohio Young Democrats; AND

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that these Charter & Bylaws and Standing Rules documents are approved effective immediately, and will supersede all previously adopted governing documents of this organization; AND

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Executive Committee shall be empowered to take these proposed governing documents as submitted, and split them in to two appropriately formatted documents, so long as no changes to text of the rules occur; AND

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that these newly adopted governing documents be immediately updated to the Young Democrats of America through the outlined chartering process.

SPONSORS: Christopher Clevenger / Ashton Narzisi / Brandon Edwards / Drew Reilly / Zach Schmidt / Lucy Frank

New OYD Leadership Announced

Hello Ohio Young Democrats! The OYD Leadership Team has an important announcement to share with you. 

President Christopher Anderson, who first joined the OYD Board as 1st Vice President for 3 years before becoming President in 2019, is stepping down from the OYD Presidency as of today, November 18th, 2022. The Ohio Young Democrats Executive Board & Leadership Team enthusiastically thanks Chris for his many years of leadership and service to the young Dems across the state and in his home county of Mahoning. One of our proudest moments under Chris’ leadership was hosting the 2021 Young Democrats of America Bi-Annual Convention in Cincinnati, Ohio.

As per the OYD Constitution, in the absence of a President, the 1st Vice President is automatically appointed to the Presidency, as well as the 2nd Vice President moving up to 1st Vice President.

The OYD Executive Board is excited to announce our new executive leadership:

  • Lucy Frank, President (Franklin County)

  • Zach Schmidt, 1st Vice President (Wood County)

In this transition period, we are thankful to each and every member of the Ohio Young Democrats, our member Chapters, and the amazing young candidates we saw this year. There were many calls made; doors knocked; dollars donated; and more done by our members and chapters throughout the state to get Democrats elected. 

A few more items of note:

  • Save the Date: 2022 OYD Winter Meeting scheduled for Sunday, December 4th from 2-3:30 pm via Zoom. Look for more details coming out soon!

  • Thank you to the statewide slate of Democrats who ran and put their all into a better future for Ohio.

  • Save the Date: 2023 Young Democrats of America Bi-Annual Convention is scheduled for June 2023 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Look for more details coming out in the next few months! 

  • Interest form for OYD leadership positions - if you are interested in joining the Ohio Young Dems Executive Board or getting more involved in our committees and YDA committees, please fill out this interest form: https://forms.gle/4u7uqDum5WanfK478 

Message from President Lucy Frank:

Hello! My name is Lucy Frank and I am a PROUD Ohio Young Democrat. I attended my first OYD event in December 2017 with a familiar Toledo friend, Carrie Hartman, in the old ODP basement in Columbus. We spent many hours traveling to and from Columbus, as it was a very snowy day in mid-December. At the time I didn’t realize the impact this meeting would have, but as I reflect on this first OYD event and my first young Dems involvement in the Lucas County Young Democrats organization, I don’t know who I would be without the Ohio Young Democrats. 

I’m so excited at this opportunity to lead a strong organization like OYD into 2023 and beyond with the partnership of our 1st Vice President Zach Schmidt, and our entire dynamite executive board. Over the next few months, the OYD leadership team will be reaching out to each member chapter to connect and learn more about YOUR needs as an organization. I believe in working hard & teamwork, and our leadership team won’t be successful without your input, ideas, and support. 

I would be remiss if I didn’t take this opportunity to thank Christopher Anderson for his passionate leadership of the Ohio Young Democrats over these last few years. He is a strong Democrat who works hard and is loyal to our mission. We are thankful for his guidance through this transition process and look forward to keeping him engaged throughout this transition.

Please reach out if you want to chat more - VP Zach and I will make ourselves available and look forward to your engagement. And if you saw above, we have THIS FORM out and hope you will consider submitting your interest in OYD leadership.  https://forms.gle/4u7uqDum5WanfK478 

Yours in Service,

Lucille J. Frank

President, OYD

Email: lucyjane432@gmail.com

Phone: 419-388-3720

Message from President Emeritus Chris Anderson:

It has been one of the greatest honors of my life to serve the incredible members of the Ohio Young Democrats. Together we have built an incredible organization committed to not only getting people engaged in the process but getting them to run for office themselves. I’m immensely grateful for the friendship, partnership and mentorship of ODP Chair Liz Walters and the help of her team, as well as the hard work every office of our board has put in. I’m proud of the work we’ve done, and am proud to leave the organization in the hands of such a great team. I know that Lucy and Zach will take it to even greater heights. 

In Solidarity,


Senator Steve Huffman Unfit for Ohio Senate Health Committee

17 JANUARY 2021

Nepotism aside, Republican State Senator Steve Huffman remains uniquely unsuited to hold the position of Chairman of the Ohio Senate Health Committee due to past racist comments about the health of Black Ohioans.

Columbus, OH – Ohio State Senator Steve Huffman, a Republican from Senate District 5, has been named Chairman of the Ohio Senate Health Committee for the 134 th General Assembly. Ohio Young Democrats unequivocally condemns this choice in committee leadership due to previous racist comments made by Senator Steve Huffman during a past committee hearing that resulted in termination from his position as an emergency room physician for Teamhealth.

On June 9, 2020, during an Ohio Senate Health and Human Services committee hearing concerning racism as a public health crisis, Senator Steve Huffman asked, “Could it be that the African American, or the colored community, does not wash their hands as much as other groups?” The comment garnered national media attention for its overt racism in publications such as the Washington Post and NBC News .

We at Ohio Young Democrats believe that if a state senator is deemed too racist to continue working as an emergency room physician by his employer, he is equally unqualified to be the Chairman of the Senate Health Committee. As Chairman, Senator Steve Huffman will have full control over which health-related bills make it to the floor of the Ohio Senate for a vote. As he demonstrated previously, Senator Steve Huffman is unable to view the health concerns of Black Ohioans in an unbiased and scientifically informed manner.

We believe that the appointment of Senator Steve Huffman as the Chairman of the Health Committee by his cousin, Senate President Matt Huffman, is entirely inappropriate and must be rescinded immediately. If it is not, Senator Steve Huffman alone will be empowered to use his ill-informed and Jim Crow-esque worldview to determine which bills related to the health of Black Ohioans are moved through committee. This will potentially give opportunity for racial prejudice to become codified into law.

Ohio Young Democrats asks our members, and all concerned Ohioans, to contact Senate President Matt Huffman and ask that he remove his cousin, Senator Steve Huffman, from his position as Chairman of the Ohio Senate Health Committee.

Ohioans can contact the Senate President at (614) 466-7584 and via the contact form at https://www.ohiosenate.gov/senators/huffman-m/contact.